What is Wrong With This?

Google and the internet has been a wonderful source for the 21st century gardener. Often times, the solution to our garden scourges can be found with a little self-investigation and a internet connection. However, other times our problems are more daunting. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the average homeowner could send in a sample of a disease-ridden plant, and get a professional diagnosis? 

This is where Sheila McBride enters the story...

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Our Absolute Favorites

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Shawn and Blinda discuss this years' favorites. Favorite plants, shrubs, memories...

It's a feel-good episode where Shawn and Blinda just talk about all those things that make us warm and fuzzy inside. 

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The Designer's Approach

Shawn and Blinda tell the story of how they put together one of their favorite landscape designs for a client who had already "auditioned" several pool builders. So how does a trained and experienced landscape architect approach a new design? It begins with asking the right questions... and perhaps some rather blunt observations.

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